4 Easy Ways to attract more twitter Likes and more Traffic to your website

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Irrespective of whether you have a 100 or 10000 followers on twitter, there are certain simple strategies that will always guarantee more twitter likes or followers. To start with, get visual with your tweets. Like Facebook or Instagram, twitter is not a text only social platform. Add some glamor to your well-crafted tweets with a stunning image, and you will definitely see your likes rising. When you want to share a blog update, place a picture above your link, and more people will be inclined to open it.

Alternatively, you may opt to tease your twitter followers as a blog owner. Some people call it “Click baiting,” but just make sure you frame your twitter in a way that sparks desire from your followers. If it is not a blog update, sharing a funny meme or using hash tags is another way to attract more engagement or twitter likes from your followers. But don’t just use any hash tag, ensure it is popular and at least related to your current tweet.